vrypan — Panayotis Vryonis
vrypan.net has been my digital home since 2003.

My name is Panayotis Vryonis.

I'm a dad, geek, entrepreneur, and I live in Athens, Greece. I'm happy with my life. I currently work at WeatherXM, a decentralized weather network.

I'm mostly active here:

vrypan.eth on farcaster. The best place to contact me.
blog.vrypan.net — My blog (posts in english, posts in greek)
NiftyWalls — A collection of 8192 algorithmically generated NFT wallpapers with an innovative minting flow. Quite proud of this one. Here are some more art experiments.
Purple Submarine — "Deep dives into the purple app" (i.e. Farcaster)
fc-font — Farcaster font icons.
fario — Command line tools for farcaster devs and power users.
farcaster-py — Python bindings for the farcaster API.
turmites.art — an art project.
github.com/vrypan — my GitHub page
bucket3 — a simple, blog aware, static site generator written in python
VSRE — Very Short Reply Expected (email netiquette)
@vrypan — on Twitter since 2006, not using it much any more.

Old/Inactive/Retired Projects:

Travel3 — A newsletter about web3 in Greek (It's still here, but I haven't updated for some time.)
listnr.neta webmentions endpoint. (more about it here).
LongaccessLong-term data archiving. Retired in 2016.
BigStashStash away stuff you won’t need in the near future. Retired in 2016 (this was an experimental service by Longaccess).
tlbx.io"tools to analyse, monitor and automate your Dropbox better." Retired in 2016.
jekyll-post-via-web — post to a GitHub hosted Jekyll blog, using this simple, self-hosted bookmarklet. The code is there, but I haven't done any updates for very long.
URLBorga URL shortener using AppEngine. This was my first try to write production code for GAE. Retired in 2009.
monitorthe Greek blogs aggregator. Started in 2005, monitor.vrypan.net played a central role in the early Greek blogoshpere. Retired in 2007.
lilinaan open source feed aggregator in PHP that required no DB backend.. Started in 2004, this aggregator was as simple as it could get (no DB), but was also one of the first to experiment with what would later be called "web mashups" and "web 2.0". Ryan McCue took ove r the project in 2006.
g-metrics.commeasure the occurance in google results of a keyword or set of keywords defined by you accross time. I started this in 2004, shortly after Google anounced a public API for Search. It was also mentioned in O'Reilly: Google Hacks.


A twitter mention or direct message is probably the best way to contact me. But if you really, really have to contact me by email, please, read vsre.info before emailing [email protected]

--last update: 2020-12-21.